With the new school year fast approaching the following back-to-school dental tips for parents are sure to help your child start the school year with a healthy smile, and keep it that way all year long.
Preventing decay starts at home, so the more child-friendly your dental supplies, the more your child will love keeping up with their oral hygiene routine.
Establish a Back-to-School Dental Routine (and Make it Fun!)
Children (and adults!) should brush their teeth twice a day for two minutes to maintain good oral hygiene. Children under the age of 8 should have their toothbrushing supervised. Children under the age of 8 lack fine motor skills needed to brush their teeth effectively, so it’s important for parents to help. Establish a fun morning and evening routine that allows you to help your younger child. It is recommended that children over the age of 3years, use toothpaste containing between 1,350-1,500 ppm fluoride and to not rinse after brushing.
Pack Healthy Lunches (and a Water Bottle)
As you pack your child’s lunch, remember that sugar is added to many food products. Check food labels for added sugar and by swapping sugary foods with healthy, whole foods like crunchy vegetables, pieces of fruit and hard cheeses you can reduce the risk of decay developing in your children’s teeth. You will also want to skip crackers and chips since these foods contain simple starches that break down and get sticky, which can also cause decay. Replacing juices, sports drinks and fizzy drinks with plain water will reduce the risk of decay further and also the risk of erosion (which is a form of tooth wear caused by acid in the diet) which is dramatically on the increase in children.
Schedule a Back-to-School Dental Exam at Broad Street Dental Practice
Are you ready to start the school year with a smile? Our experienced dentists at Broad Street Dental Practice are experienced in paediatric dentistry, friendly, and welcoming to kids. contact us today to request back-to-school-dental exams for your toddler, child or teen.

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